The best Recruitment Video is a Retention Video

Making The World A Better Place Targeted Video Tools

The best Recruitment Video is a Retention Video

Making The World A Better Place Targeted Video Tools

The best Recruitment Video is a Retention Video

At Film Division, we believe in more than just connecting organisations with top talent. We aim to make that connection between brand and talent a meaningful experience for both. Our Recruitment Video Production services go beyond conventional strategies, emphasising authenticity, purpose, and a commitment to creating positive change. Join us on a journey where new talent connects with meaningful and purposeful brands.

The focus of recruitment video should be retention

Whether you post your recruitment video on social media, your website or, use it at a tradeshow, the aim is to attract new talent. New talent is an investment for any business or organisation. Through a careful selection and induction process, you hope develop this raw talent into a valuable asset. However, all this effort soon becomes meaningless if your newly acquired talent isn’t retained.

Ultimately, you can buy the attention of new talent. Similar to an advertisement in your local newspaper, you can spend budget on social media advertisement, sponsoring or attending events. The challenge with recruitment video is to convey a message to your audience that not only makes them want to apply, it should also be a motivation to stay!

Best Practise for Recruitment video content

This article features 5 key tips to produce better recruitment videos.

  1. Does your brand deliver on its promise?
  2. Embrace the stories of real people.
  3. Build on authenticity.
  4. Job roles don’t matter, purpose does.
  5. Show, don’t tell!

Now let’s dive into the nitty-gritty and elaborate.

Does your brand deliver on its promise?

People can smell bullshit from a mile away. Have you ever encountered a job advert that mentioned a “dynamic workplace” or “we’re a family”? 9 out of 10 times these are just empty phrases. What does a dynamic workplace actually mean? Does this mean that you’ll have a different mug for your tea every day? Or are you genuinely dynamic in your tasks and responsibilities. Does the “dynamic workplace” mean that there is plenty of room for promotion? Say that instead hollow, over-used, marketing lingo. If your organisation promises a real dynamic workplace, prove to your audience that it is! Share examples of employees that have risen through the ranks. Show how no two days are the same. Be explicit in your content and be real and honest about what your offering new talent. Don’t set your newly acquired staff up for disappointment through dishonest recruitment video content.

Embrace the stories of real people

More and more, new generations of jobseekers are looking for a place where they feel useful. A place where they feel they can actually make a difference. These job seekers are real people wanting to make a real difference. Use recruitment video content to highlight how they could do so within your organisation. Lead by example and show how their future colleagues are already living the dream of a meaningful professional life.

Teacher Recruitment Video Content - Core Education Case Study

Build on authenticity

Authenticity, especially in relation to recruitment video content, is essential. There might be competitors in your industry that also have a fair share of vacancies. What makes your business or organisation unique? What’s authentic about your service, products or message? What’s the differentiating factor that defines who you are? Authentic content helps to paint a convincing image of your brand in the eyes of jobseekers. Being authentic about your brand helps to avoid the pitfall as mentioned in the first point. When you message is authentic, you’ll never fail to deliver on your promise!

Job roles don’t matter, purpose does

In line with the previous points, this key tip is all about authenticity. There is a great joke in the US version of “The Office” about the difference between being “Assistant Regional Manager” or being “Assistant to The Regional Manager”. Here, the writers play with our perception of job roles.  However, we feel that if someone joins an organisation based solely on a “job role” instead of a shared drive to make a difference, they might move on quite quickly if they get a chance to add “Senior” to it by joining a competitor. The main point we’re trying to make here is that if you are authentic in your messaging in your recruitment video content; and continue to deliver on your promise, it won’t matter if the job role says “senior” or not.

Show, don’t tell!

Now we’re actually getting to the core of recruitment video content. Video is a rich medium that allows for great visual storytelling. Through a great concept, creative production and inspired editing, you can create a truly engaging experience. However, this all falls short if you’ve just got your Managing Director talking to camera about the various job opportunities. Yes, you should capture the vision and mission of the organisation, but support it with visual evidence of real people. Show how the future colleagues are continuously positively impact the community. Show how your business is sustainable. Visualise the route to promotion. Use the visual medium to its fullest potential. Perhaps you could even create some case study video content?

Recruitment video - Case Study Samaritans

Recruitment Video: A case study

These five tips aren’t pulled from the air. We’ve worked on a wide range of recruitment projects in various industries and that has culminated in this blog. If you’re keen to look at an example of our work, just look at this case study for VINCI Energies or how we helped the Samaritans get nearly 800 new applicants for an unpaid position through a targeted Facebook re-marketing campaign.

Final considerations for powerful recruitment videos

Ultimately, all recruitment efforts should incite a desire within the jobseeker to be a part of something bigger. Not every organisation can compete on salary. Nevertheless, you can compete on value & purpose. When you take these five points on board for your recruitment video content, you might find that your organisation becomes an option for people who weren’t even looking to change positions.

So if you, like us, truly care about people, planet, and prosperity, we’ll help you position your organisation as a great place to work. A place where a true difference is made.


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At Film Division we don’t just make videos – we spark movements. Born from a collective passion to amplify change-makers, we craft cinematic narratives that resonate and inspire.

Our tapestry weaves creativity with strategy, turning visions into visceral experiences. We’re not just a production house; we’re collaborators, alchemists, and storytellers. From the whispers of an idea to the thunderclap of impact, we’re by your side. Together, let’s stir souls and sculpt a world buzzing with positive change.

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