Video editing maybe one of the last stages, but it certainly isn’t the least important. If anything, it is the most important stage of video production. The cameras are packed away. The lights are cooling down. Everyone is ready to go home after a good day’s filming. Now it’s time for us to actually make your film in the editing stage. This is where we get the best out of your footage. We’ll get it together and bring your story to life!
Video editing is an art form, and like all art, you can approach it from many different perspectives. Give the same set of footage to ten different editors and you’re likely to get back 10 different videos. Video editing also relies heavily on context. A context that orders the sequence of shots that is displayed to the audience. Tapping into an audiences emotions is an art from in itself as it is a major factor in the audiences decision making process. This is what we do in our edits. We encourage the audience to feel a certain way about a particular subject.